πŸ‘‹ Hey!

Last week I made the trek back from the East Coast to the West Coast. And while the jet lag is easier to adjust to since you get up earlier than normal, it's still taken some getting used to!

That said, it's nice to be back on the West Coast as I start gearing up on work that I've been excited to put more time into like my Obsidian course. And this newsletter is something that's helping to keep me making progress in the right direction, so thanks for being on this journey with me.

With that said, onwards!

πŸŽ‰ What happened this week

Time flies by so quickly doesn't it? Here's a recap in case you missed anything!

  • πŸ“Ή Live Stream (Productivity Power Hour): We hung out last Thursday looking over the latest changes from Obsidian v1.0 and talked about my workflow for managing notes when it comes to learning things.
  • πŸ“Ό New YouTube Videos: Obsidian Course Kick-Off Planning Session (Part 1 & Part 2)

πŸ—“οΈ Upcoming events

Want to know what you can expect in the near future? This is the section for you!

Oct 27th (Thu) at 2:00PM PST

  • Monday Musing (#2): The Fatal Flaw of Success - Many of us are obsessed with the idea of success, but what if this premise is precisely what causes us to be so miserable?
  • Build with Ben (#42): Peek-A-Vue Refactor - We'll be taking a look back at a game I built for Halloween last year and seeing how we can improve on it!

Nov 1st (Tue) to Nov 2nd (Wed)

  • Complete Introduction to Vue 3 Workshop with Frontend Masters - Go from knowing little to nothing about Vue to building an entire app with Vue! Register here

Nov 3rd (Thu) at 2:00PM PST

  • Monday Musing (#3): The Power of One
  • Productivity Power Hour (#16): First Look at Obsidian Workspaces

Nov 10th (Thu) at 2:00PM PST

  • Monday Musing (#4): The Hidden Cost of Why We Fail to Make Progress
  • Build with Ben (#43): GreenSock and Vue 3

πŸ‘€ Interesting tidbits and things

Every week, I'll drop any cool products and/or links that catch my eye!

  • The Minimalists: Less is Now (Netflix) - As I've been reflecting on the state of my home, I realized that I acquired a LOT of stuff over the pandemic. Though it didn't seem like much then, I didn't realize just how much unhappiness it was causing me. This documentary was an important push for me to start making the changes I needed to make.

And with that, wishing y'all a wonderful week. Remember to take care of yourself and be kind to those around you. You never know when a single act of compassion can create a ripple effect in someone's life. πŸ’š

Till next week!


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Issue #002 of BenCodeZen's Newsletter β€’ October 24th, 2022 β€’ View online