While a little stereotypical for this time of year, rather than making some large overtures regarding my goals for 2020, I'm going to simply get started on things that are important to me. So instead of sitting here meticulously planning out how I'm going to accomplish XYZ goals, I'm going to do the opposite and simply execute on what I'm dubbing the DREW 30 Day Challenge.

What is the DREW 30 day challenge?

It is a challenge to dive headfirst into things that I've always valued but never consistently put time towards.


  1. Spend at least 30 minutes on each activity a day.
  2. Each activity must be recorded in a log to show some type of progress no matter how imperfect it is.


  • Draw: Learning to draw on my iPad
  • Read - Read at least a chapter a day
  • Exercise - Complete my exercise ring on my Apple Watch
  • Write - Write a blog post a day

Final Thoughts

I'll create a place to record my outcomes for each day, but at the bare minimum, I promise to post a summary of what happened when this month ends.

And with that, off to the next activity!