This is the section where I will store more formal articles and tutorials for things that I create. It is different from the blog section which is more catered to stream of thought writing, whereas the content in this section get a lot of revisions.

📹 Live Stream

If you want the latest and greatest, be sure to check out my live streams on Twitch where you can ask questions and chat with me. For upcoming sessions, check out the Google Calendar!

  • Ben's Office Hours - Once a week, I'll be tackling a theme that ranges from coding adventures to Obsidian explorations while answering any live questions that people have.
    • For past examples of topics, check out some of my past series:
      • Build with Ben - In this session, we focus on building things (usually for the web) and I'll share my thoughts as I embark on various coding adventures! For past episodes, check out this Building with Ben YouTube playlist!
      • Obsidian Office Hours - In these sessions, we talk about all things Obsidian and productivity workflow things. For past episodes, check out this Obsidian Office Hours YouTube playlist!

🧑‍🏫 Workshops

Fortified with years of experience working with a variety of codebases and teams, my workshops are designed to provide hands-on experience and help equip you with the skills and knowledge to make you more effective as a developer.

Proven Patterns for Building Vue Apps

Learn fundamental concepts and principles you need to know to build the foundations for world-class Vue applications. Topics will include component design patterns, state management patterns with Pinia and composables, workflows to enhance productivity, testing strategies, best practices for organizing (and reorganizing) increasingly complex applications, and more!

Vueconf US – May 15-17, 2024 in New Orleans, LA | Vue.js Conference
VueconfUS is the official Vue.js conference in the USA. Join us for 3 days of workshops and talks to learn, share, and connect with the Vue.js community.

Use code BENCODEZEN for 20% off!

🎒 Courses

While you can find a lot of my free resources on YouTube and Twitch, here you can find some of the official video courses that I've created on other platforms.

Frontend Masters

Learn Vue 3+ in this Comprehensive Intro to Vue.js Course by Core Vue Team Member, Ben Hong
Learn to build complete apps with Vue: create flexible components using directives, props, lifecycle hooks, and slots. And use Vue Router for routing and Pinia for state management.
Use TypeScript with Vue | Add TypeScript to your Vue projects with Ben Hong, Vue core team member
Learn to integrate TypeScript with Vue’s options API and the Vue 3+ composition API.
Learn Best Practices For vue Router Production
Learn component design patterns, workflows to enhance productivity, testing methodologies, state management, routing, and more!
Nuxt | Build Fullstack Vue Apps using Nuxt – Course by Ben Hong, core Vue team member
Nuxt is a robust full-stack framework to build fully static and dynamic apps with Vue. Learn to create and deploy real-world Nuxt apps!

Vue Mastery

Why Vue & TypeScript - Intro to Vue 3 + TypeScript | Vue Mastery
Considering adding TypeScript to your Vue project? Explore the considerations to take in this lesson.
Component Design Patterns - Component Design Patterns | Vue Mastery
Build your best components by understanding the best practices and pros and cons of various design patterns.
Beautify with Vuetify - Beautify with Vuetify | Vue Mastery
Learn how to create beautifully styled and structured web apps using Vuetify, a material design component framework.

Jamstack Explorers

Launching with Composition API - Jamstack Explorers
Learn about Launching with Composition API. Learn how to use the new Vue.js 3 Composition API works!
Up and Running with Serverless Functions - Jamstack Explorers
Learn about Up and Running with Serverless Functions. Learn how to use serverless functions in less than 30 minutes!

📓 Guides

VuePress Blog Boilerplate

VuePress Blog Boilerplate

An ever-evolving and opinionated dev environment for people who want to use VuePress to power their blogs.